Thursday, May 31, 2012
Matthew 1 introduces Jesus as son of David, son of Abraham. This alerts us that His story can't be read apart from their stories. - Stephen Venable
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Being at peace with our own individuality in Christ allows us to celebrate diversity in His body. Uniformity doesn't produce unity. - Stephen Venable
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
I long for the day in which fierce loyalty to Jesus will be the sole consuming passion of every Christian leader in my nation. -David Sliker
Monday, May 28, 2012
Wisdom isn't found in pain avoidance, but in the preparation of the heart to learn to lean into Jesus for grace to respond rightly to pain. - David Sliker
Sunday, May 27, 2012
What does my soul demand from God before I die? The answer to this question will order my days. - Dana Candler
Saturday, May 26, 2012
The most glorious things ever spoken about a city were spoken by God about Jerusalem. Do you know enough to rejoice? Is 66:10 - Shelly Hundley
Friday, May 25, 2012
The proof that a religious experience has been a genuine encounter with God is its effect in the two areas of 1) belief and 2) behaviour. - David Pawson
Thursday, May 24, 2012
When Abraham’s faith is honored, the verse also mentions Isaac (Heb 11:17).
When Isaac’s faith is honored, the verse also mentions Jacob (Heb 11:20).
When Jacob’s faith is honored, the verse also mentions Joseph (Heb 11:21).
When Joseph’s faith is honored, the verse also mentions his offspring (Heb 11:2). Faith is generational.
-Bob Sorge
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
To be a truly great preacher, one must seek to live out the preaching of Jesus with all of their heart. The Great Commission is an invitation to disciple all nations via all that Jesus said; not save some, via some of His words. - david sliker
Monday, May 21, 2012
God’s government is ruled via intercession. God loves to be asked, loves to hear, & loves to thrill us through His answers. God designed a creature made in His image with the governmental delight of communing with Him & then asking Him for things. This is joy—to forever lean upon our Bridegroom God and ask Him for decisions on the earth. John 16:23-24.
-Allen Hood
Sunday, May 20, 2012
I want my strongest anointing to be not when I’m standing on a platform but when I’m sitting in the secret place, praying from the word. - Temperato
Saturday, May 19, 2012
The Gospels are not timeless morals for all uttered by a good teacher. God visited the Jewish people in context to their history & promises. - Joshua Hawkins
Friday, May 18, 2012
Don't let a false overfamiliarity keep you from long and loving meditation on the Gospels. A feast of God's glory is found nowhere greater. - Joshua Hawkins
Thursday, May 17, 2012
The Root of David is an astonishing name - Yaweh chose to intimately identify Himself with a weak, broken Jewish man - as a family member! Jesus as fully man carries within His frame the very DNA of David, His natural ancestor; He bled the blood of the line of David! When we see Jesus and David together, will they look similar? It's one thing for God to deliver and establish me - but to come so near? The humanity of Jesus is an astonishing mystery; his eternal association with a nation, tribe, and family is incredible: King of the Jews! - David Sliker
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
We must not miss the profound import of this simple truth: the whole Bible ends with the vision of the Holy City and the cry for Jesus to return. - Stephen Venable
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
The chief message of the Church isn't "this is how you must be saved" or "this is how you must act". It is "this is who you must worship!" - Stephen Venable
Monday, May 14, 2012
John the Baptist announced Jesus as "the lamb of God," not as "the word of God," not as "the Christ of God," but as THE LAMB OF GOD. It was the Spirit of God presenting the Lord Jesus to Israel in the very office & character in which they stood in deepest NEED of Him. They would have welcomed Him on the throne (as their King), but they must first accept Him on the altar. - Wes Martin
Sunday, May 13, 2012
I'm looking forward to singing to Jesus with my eyes open in the age to come. No need to picture Him in my mind when I actually see Him! - Josh Hawkins
Saturday, May 12, 2012
For all those Jesus worshipers: Steph and I will be leading worship at the Garage on 5/18. 7pm.
Friday, May 11, 2012
The only measure of success is glorifying Jesus through love & servanthood. Status, popularity, & impact will mean nothing at the judgment seat. - Stephen Venable
Thursday, May 10, 2012
E. Jones - If Good Friday raised the question, Easter Sunday raised the man, and the raised man is the answer to all the raised questions.
Wednesday, May 09, 2012
Tragically those crippled by disappointment tend to kill the dreams of others to keep them from disappointment. - Bill Johnson
Tuesday, May 08, 2012
The gospel doesn't "remove" the God of the prophets or dial down His zeal and jealousy; it's about being saved by Him, from Him, to Him. We are saved from the wrath of the Lamb by the mercy of the slain Lamb into the love of the risen Lamb. - David Sliker
Monday, May 07, 2012
While teaching on prayer itself can be helpful, undeniably the most effective way to stir a heart to pray is to teach on Christ & His glory. - Joshua Hawkins
Sunday, May 06, 2012
What will Jerusalem be like when Jesus is King? Boys and girls will play freely in its streets. (Zech 8:3,5) - Stephen Venable
Saturday, May 05, 2012
Unceasing prayer by nature ignites conversations about the worth of Jesus; I pray that unceasing longing does the same regarding His return. - David Sliker
Friday, May 04, 2012
When leader = servant in our hearts then we interpret the increase of responsibility as God's care for His people and not as a self-endorsement. I firmly believe when I stand before Jesus He will talk to me much more about who I was as a husband and father than any role in ministry. - Stephen Venable
Thursday, May 03, 2012
When the author walks on the stage the play is over. It will be the time we discover which side we have chosen - CS Lewis
Wednesday, May 02, 2012
"God doesn't see our ups and downs, He sees our trajectory." - Bob Sorge
Tuesday, May 01, 2012
"Salvation is free; transformation comes by hunger." - Shelley Hundley
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Blog Archive
- Matthew 1 introduces Jesus as son of David, son of...
- Being at peace with our own individuality in Chris...
- I long for the day in which fierce loyalty to Jesu...
- Wisdom isn't found in pain avoidance, but in the p...
- What does my soul demand from God before I die? Th...
- The most glorious things ever spoken about a city ...
- The proof that a religious experience has been a g...
- When Abraham’s faith is honored, the verse also me...
- "The key to prayer is simply praying." AW Tozer
- To be a truly great preacher, one must seek to liv...
- God’s government is ruled via intercession. God lo...
- I want my strongest anointing to be not when I’m s...
- The Gospels are not timeless morals for all uttere...
- Don't let a false overfamiliarity keep you from lo...
- The Root of David is an astonishing name - Yaweh c...
- We must not miss the profound import of this simpl...
- The chief message of the Church isn't "this is how...
- John the Baptist announced Jesus as "the lamb of G...
- I'm looking forward to singing to Jesus with my ey...
- For all those Jesus worshipers: Steph and I will b...
- The only measure of success is glorifying Jesus th...
- E. Jones - If Good Friday raised the question, Eas...
- Tragically those crippled by disappointment tend t...
- The gospel doesn't "remove" the God of the prophet...
- While teaching on prayer itself can be helpful, un...
- What will Jerusalem be like when Jesus is King? Bo...
- Unceasing prayer by nature ignites conversations a...
- When leader = servant in our hearts then we interp...
- When the author walks on the stage the play is ove...
- "God doesn't see our ups and downs, He sees our tr...
- "Salvation is free; transformation comes by hunger...