Young people: make it your goal to be kind, humble, and teachable now so that when you're 70, you're still kind, humble, and teachable. -Joshua Hawkins
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
“If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him."– C.T. Studd
Monday, May 29, 2017
Sunday, May 28, 2017
Saturday, May 27, 2017
Paul buffeted his body (1 Corinthians 9:27) but then God sent a messenger of Satan to buffet him further (2 Corinthians 12:7). To stay qualified. -Bob Sorge
Friday, May 26, 2017
I don’t fast because I’m spiritual, but because I’m the poorest, neediest person on the planet. -Bob Sorge
Thursday, May 25, 2017
"To belong to Jesus is to embrace the nations with Him." — John Piper
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
It is one of the temptations of the devil to tell you not to pray when you do not feel like praying. Pray twice as much then - Spurgeon
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Monday, May 22, 2017
“The spirit of Christ is the spirit of missions. The nearer we get to Him, the more intensely missionary we become.” ― Henry Martyn
Sunday, May 21, 2017
Saturday, May 20, 2017
I genuinely cringe when I see repackaged American Prosperity Theology used to describe favor from God. More comfort isn't His primary goal. -David Sliker
Friday, May 19, 2017
Thursday, May 18, 2017
"Relationship is God's responsibility. He secured that with the cross. But now, fellowship is your responsibility." - Graham Cooke
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
"Our greatest fear should not be of failure, but of succeeding at things in life that don’t really matter." —Francis Chan
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Covetousness and conciliatory preaching are linked in Jeremiah 8:10-11. Sucking up to the people in order to maintain position and income. -Bob Sorge
Monday, May 15, 2017
“In all our affliction, I am overflowing with joy.” 2 Corinthians 7:4 This, not complaining, elicits the wonder: What are you hoping in? -John Piper
Saturday, May 13, 2017
I cannot relate to a gospel that does not fundamentally change people. In fact, such a gospel is no gospel at all. -Dr. Michael Brown
Friday, May 12, 2017
Thursday, May 11, 2017
"I seek not a long life, but a full one, like you Lord Jesus." -Jim Elliot
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Here we are, in union with the most brilliant, interesting, fascinating Man (Jesus) yet we mostly think about ourselves, most of the time. -David Sliker
Tuesday, May 09, 2017
Monday, May 08, 2017
"Many of us are hunting mice - while lions devour the land." -Leonard Ravenhill
Sunday, May 07, 2017
"I believe it's a great mistake to present Christianity as something charming and popular with no offense to it." -Dorothy Sayers
Saturday, May 06, 2017
Angels were active before and after the cross, but during the crucifixion they stood by silently. God did this one solo. -Bob Sorge
Friday, May 05, 2017
Thursday, May 04, 2017
To man, the Cross was shameful. There are many things that men reject as weak or shameful that God calls "blessed". Weakness for man is a shameful thing as we long to be powerful and strong. Yet God declares that weakness is the pathway to His strength. -David Sliker
Wednesday, May 03, 2017
One reason we celebrate Jesus' resurrection is because it proves He is the Christ, the Davidic king who will live forever and reign from Jerusalem. -Joshua Hawkins
Tuesday, May 02, 2017
We don't go to the Grand Canyon to increase self-esteem. Mirrors do that. Consider the cross to see Christ's worth. Find true selfless joy. -Joshua Hawkins
Monday, May 01, 2017
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- Young people: make it your goal to be kind, humbl...
- “If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no ...
- There's Only One Worthy - Jonas Park (Official Lyr...
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- Paul buffeted his body (1 Corinthians 9:27) but t...
- I don’t fast because I’m spiritual, but because I...
- "To belong to Jesus is to embrace the nations wit...
- It is one of the temptations of the devil to tell...
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- “The spirit of Christ is the spirit of missions. ...
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- I genuinely cringe when I see repackaged American...
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- "Relationship is God's responsibility. He secured...
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- "Our greatest fear should not be of failure, but ...
- Covetousness and conciliatory preaching are linke...
- “In all our affliction, I am overflowing with joy...
- I cannot relate to a gospel that does not fundame...
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- "I seek not a long life, but a full one, like you...
- Here we are, in union with the most brilliant, in...
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- "Many of us are hunting mice - while lions devour...
- "I believe it's a great mistake to present Christ...
- Angels were active before and after the cross, bu...
- No title
- To man, the Cross was shameful. There are many th...
- One reason we celebrate Jesus' resurrection is be...
- We don't go to the Grand Canyon to increase self-...
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