The cross of Jesus was Paul's "boast" (Gal 6:14) not only because it demonstrated God's mercy and patience in light of the coming day of judgment, but also because it was the clearest model and pattern for how he - and every disciple of Jesus - should live as we await that day. -Joshua Hawkins
Friday, April 30, 2021
Thursday, April 29, 2021
The cross is Jesus laboring to earn your salvation. - Bob Sorge
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
When you watch Jesus resolutely climbing the hill to His crucifixion, you’re watching a Man who’s seeking “the honor that comes from the only God” (John 5:44). - Bob Sorge
Tuesday, April 27, 2021
The cross doesn’t undermine but rather exalts, magnifies and glorifies the character and nature of God. -Stuart Greaves
Monday, April 26, 2021
“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” — Mt 3:2
This is synonymous with:
Therefore I will make the heavens tremble, And the earth will be shaken from its place at the fury of the Lord of hosts in the day of His burning anger. — Isaiah 13:13
“Repent!” “The kingdom is imminent!” These are common themes in the OT and NT to live in light of knowing God’s coming wrath and to be spared of it to be part of His coming Kingdom. - TJ Sewob
Sunday, April 25, 2021
Heaven will not wipe away your tears. Nor angels. Nor loved ones. Only Jesus, with scarred and tender hands. One by one by one. -Matt Smethurts
Saturday, April 24, 2021
There were many who looked at Jesus on the cross but were never saved. Multitudes still do the same—onlookers who view the cross as a curiosity, but don’t receive what Jesus died to give them. - Bob Sorge
Friday, April 23, 2021
As Christians, we have one of two options: either to humble ourselves before God or be humiliated. If I fall on his Word it will break me to pieces, if his Word falls on me it will grind me to powder. -Leonard Ravenhill
Thursday, April 22, 2021
The “wiping away of every tear” is our vindication as well as His on that Day. - TJ Sewob
Wednesday, April 21, 2021
The cross shows that the lower you lay your life down, the higher the Father can lift you. -Bob Sorge
Tuesday, April 20, 2021
Confidence in the love of God frees you from self-preservation -Corey Russell
Monday, April 19, 2021
Sunday, April 18, 2021
Because Christ physically, literally rose from the dead, I have nothing to fear when facing my own death. If you insist that his resurrection is just a symbol and not a historical fact, it removes the heart of the Christian message and strips it of its power (1 Corinthians 15:19).
-Timothy Keller
Saturday, April 17, 2021
“We are to be rewarded… and I am not sure but that the brightest rewards will be for those who have borne burdens without murmuring. …he will take the lily, that has been growing so long among thorns, and lift it up to be the glory and wonder of all the universe.” —Andrew Bonar
Friday, April 16, 2021
“Because lawlessness is increased, the love of many will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end will be saved.” Matthew 24:12–13
The cold failure of many in the church does not dampen in the slightest Jesus’s confidence that his saving purposes will be achieved. -John Piper
Thursday, April 15, 2021
Suffering and intimacy kiss at the cross. Who would even want to arrive at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb without any scars? - Bob Sorge
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
Anything on the scale of misunderstanding to martyrdom is fair game for a disciple of Jesus. - Joshua Hawkins
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
"Prayer, unlimited in its possibilities, stands midway between heaven and earth; with one hand it reaches up to heaven, with the other down to earth; in it, faith prepares to receive, what charity is ready to dispense." -Alfred Edersheim
Monday, April 12, 2021
Beyond daily manna from heaven, the Israelites had a miraculous cloud by day and fire by night dwelling "continuously" in their camp (Num 9:16). They rejected God and wanted to return to Egypt over fish, cucumbers, melons, leeks, onion, and garlic (Num 11:5, 20).
We have so much spiritual fantasy concerning signs and wonders. Miracles are wonderful and to be prayed for, but we are profoundly disconnected from the mysterious depths of iniquity and unbelief that dwell in the human heart. - Stephen Venable
Sunday, April 11, 2021
“Every branch that beareth fruit he purgeth it.”
Purgeth what? The branch that bears the fruit! ‘Oh, I thought once I started bearing the fruit of the Spirit the Lord would leave me alone.’ Oh no, because you are bearing fruit he puts the scissors in here and the knife in there. The branch that bears the fruit that gets the knife! -Leonard Ravenhill
Saturday, April 10, 2021
In the last days... Everyone will sit under their own vine and under their own fig tree, and no one will make them afraid, for the Lord Almighty has spoken. —Micah 4:4
The Lord will restore His Creation -TJ Sewob
Friday, April 09, 2021
In that day the Lord will punish the powers in the heavens above and the kings on the earth below. They will be herded together like prisoners bound in a dungeon; they will be shut up in prison and be punished after many days. Isaiah 24:21-22
The Lord will restore His Creation -TJ Sewob
Thursday, April 08, 2021
“All have sinned and lack (ὑστεροῦνται) the glory of God.” Romans 3:23
Lack in what sense?
Romans 1:23. We “exchanged” the glory of God for substitutes.
We prefer/value/esteem/enjoy/
Especially our own. -John Piper
Wednesday, April 07, 2021
Between the Jewish and Christian communities, 2000 years of reactionary theology has produced one group that scorns the Torah and the Mosaic Covenant, and another group that scorns Jesus the Messiah. His return is sure going to bring a lot of surprises for everyone. -Joel Richardson
Tuesday, April 06, 2021
"Though I am less than the least of all God's people..."
Said the man who wrote more than half of the New Testament. So what does that make you and I? -Gab Cali
Monday, April 05, 2021
Recordemos hoy, el ÚNICO oráculo profético que resuena a través del cielo y la asamblea de los poderes es: ¡JESÚS MESÍAS, REY DE ISRAEL, VIENE! ¡El Día ha sido designado! TODO lo demás no es de confiar y es infiel a las palabras de Dios. Por tanto, esperemos pacientemente.
-Henry Bruno
Sunday, April 04, 2021
“The overwhelming usage of ‘kingdom’ in the second-century Christian literature is eschatological. When believers of the first two centuries said ‘kingdom’ they meant the return of Jesus to rule from the throne of David over all the earth” - E. Ferguson (via Tyler Luedke)
Saturday, April 03, 2021
The way to the Father is as narrow as the wood on which Christ was crucified. -Bob Sorge
Friday, April 02, 2021
"Christ became a servant to the circumcised to show God’s truthfulness, in order to confirm the promises given to the patriarchs, and in order that the Gentiles might glorify God for his mercy." (Romans 15:8–9)
God's enduring covenant with Israel is why Gentiles will glorify him. -Joshua Hawkins
Thursday, April 01, 2021
His love for you is so strong it killed Him. He died just for you, and He meant for you to take it personally. -Bob Sorge
Blog Archive
- The cross of Jesus was Paul's "boast" (Gal 6:14) n...
- The cross is Jesus laboring to earn your salvation...
- When you watch Jesus resolutely climbing the hill ...
- The cross doesn’t undermine but rather exalts, mag...
- “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” — ...
- Heaven will not wipe away your tears. Nor angels. ...
- There were many who looked at Jesus on the cross b...
- As Christians, we have one of two options: either ...
- The “wiping away of every tear” is our vindication...
- The cross shows that the lower you lay your life d...
- Confidence in the love of God frees you from self...
- My teaching on the introduction to the End of the ...
- Because Christ physically, literally rose from the...
- “We are to be rewarded… and I am not sure but that...
- “Because lawlessness is increased, the love of man...
- Suffering and intimacy kiss at the cross. Who woul...
- Anything on the scale of misunderstanding to marty...
- "Prayer, unlimited in its possibilities, stands mi...
- Beyond daily manna from heaven, the Israelites had...
- “Every branch that beareth fruit he purgeth it.” P...
- In the last days... Everyone will sit under their...
- In that day the Lord will punish the powers in the...
- “All have sinned and lack (ὑστεροῦνται) the glory ...
- Between the Jewish and Christian communities, 2000...
- "Though I am less than the least of all God's peop...
- Recordemos hoy, el ÚNICO oráculo profético que res...
- “The overwhelming usage of ‘kingdom’ in the second...
- The way to the Father is as narrow as the wood on ...
- "Christ became a servant to the circumcised to sho...
- His love for you is so strong it killed Him. He di...