The biblical prophets state numerous times that the Messiah will part the Red Sea a second time when he returns (Isa. 10:26-27; 11:15-16; Zech. 10:10-11).
This will take place before he enters the Land of Israel and establishes his kingdom. Moreover, there are different practical and theological reasons why this will be the case, three of which are as follows:
1) During the final tribulation (aka. Daniel's 70th Week), a large portion of the Israelite nation will be sent into exile, and will survive in Egypt, North Africa, and other Middle Eastern locales (Isa. 27:12-13). Thus, when Jesus returns, he will first journey into these nations to save his Jewish kin, and then lead them in a Second Exodus, through the Red Sea, and up to Jerusalem.
2) The Messiah is often presented as a New Moses or Greater Moses in both the Old and New Testaments (Deut. 18:18; Matt. 2:13-18). As a result, to fulfill his Mosaic mandate, Jesus will have to do essentially everything Moses did during his own ministry. There are already many parallels between the life of Moses and Jesus highlighted in the Gospel of Matthew, but there are many more that will become a reality after the Second Coming, including the parting of the Red Sea.
3) In the Bible, God's new creation always emerges out of water, because water symbolizes both chaos and new life. In Genesis 1 the cosmos emerges out of water. After the Flood in the time of Noah, the new world emerges out of water as well. Similarly, when Israel came out of the darkness of Egypt, they had to go through the waters before they could begin their new life with God. And of course, in Christian baptism, we experience the same.
All of this is pointing to how, when Jesus returns, he will once again take his people through the waters of the Red Sea to symbolize the new life of the Messianic Age that will emerge out of the chaos and darkness of the Tribulation.
Most people have never heard of this aspect of the Second Coming, but rest assured, if you trust in the Messiah and endure the hardships of this world with him, you will one day see him part the Red Sea, and then he will bring you into the Land of Paradise. - Travis M. Snow