Tuesday, December 13, 2005

knee issues v1.0

I messed up my knee on saturday morning snowboarding a hill at treewind park. It wasn't even fun or interesting. When I fell I was o.k. but my momentum spun my body in a different direction than my snowboard and something in my right knee paid the price. I could feel it give way like a zipper. The pain was intense but I could still walk around afterwards so I went home. I looked up knee issues online and worried. I walked to the grocery store and back and maybe thought I would be o.k. but by that night I couldn't hardly walk. Sunday morning was better and only hurt in church when kneeling. I thought maybe it was minor. Now its tuesday morning and feels pretty bad. I have a knee experts number and will prolly call today to get it checked out. Tonight I'll have to open the gym for basketball for 2 hours and not even play. depressing. tomorrow my class will shoot off rockets and I'll bend down probably 100 times in pain each time. depressing. pray for my knee.

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