Thursday, May 16, 2024

•A Brief Exhortation On Fatherhood•

Any father with an ounce of self-awareness is often cognizant of ways in which he falls short in the raising of his children. This grief is common to us all.

That being so, fathers: Don’t be paralyzed by your very real shortcomings, but make them your servants for clearer faith and better fatherhood.

Stand in Gospel grace, be quick to repent, and exercise your God-given authority— not timidly nor haughtily, but humbly, happily and heartily, for the glory of Christ and the flourishing of your children and grandchildren.

Don’t let society, your own failures, or the accuser of the brethren emasculate your soul. Be biblical, Spirit-led, and self-sacrificial in the holy call of fatherhood. 

Curse your propensity to pride, blame-shifting, and the limp-wristed abdication of responsibility. Ask the Lord regularly for a strong back, a wise walk, and a gentle spirit.

“Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.”

In more ways than you can know, the present and future joys of your wife and children will be shaped by your clarity of vision, relational earnestness, and steadfastness in the discipline and nurturing of your offspring.

There will come a day when they will no longer be under your roof. It will arrive very soon, brothers. Some of us are already there, with certain regrets, gratitude for mercy, and a desire that the rest of our brethren would be sober and wise in this precious stewardship. 

There will also come a day when you will no longer live under your own roof, and all that your children shall have of you will be the memories you left with them. Live in such way as to be unashamed when that day comes. 

Rest in Gospel grace, live free and happy in Christ, and aim for holiness in all of life. Pray that His very disposition might increasingly shine through you in all your interactions with them. 

If your phone is a distraction to fathering meaningfully, if the rat race for riches has gotten a hold of you, if lust and porn have a grip on you, chuck them all now, for God’s sake! And don’t go it alone. Walk in the light with brothers in a biblical church. Get Bible priorities and pour your life out in “the obedience of faith” to shoulder them.

Your God and Father has called you after His own name. He has made you a father. He has given you children! Be strong in His grace and keep your shoulder to the plow. It will be worth it in the end.

“Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.”

-BA Purtle

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