Friday, March 11, 2022

The reason that intercession is still a niche within the Church rather than a core identity of the Church is because we still imagine our societal problems are solvable via activism, leadership development, and strategic thinking. The Divine discipline of a loving Father, therefore, allows us to go our way and try to solve the complex problems of a sinful and fallen world through our own methodologies. Meanwhile, the decline of humanity and western society accelerates.

The Father knows, at a certain point, the complexity of human brokenness and sin will far surpass our ability to raise awareness, pass legislation, develop leaders, or formulate growth strategies. He waits patiently for us to finally appeal to Him as our only true hope. His House will be a House of Prayer, His people will be a people of intercession, and a global prayer movement will be born out of the revelation of a people who see no other way forward to justice and societal change apart from His ultimate intervention and judgments. -David Sliker

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