Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Inconvenience is an illusion of persecution. But if we are meant to carry our own crosses, presumably the same way and to a similar end that Jesus carried His, we instead become servants of all ethnolinguistic people groups. We do not conquer and subjugate; we serve and wash feet.

Nationalism, Christian or otherwise, is antithetical to the narrow way of the cruciform witness. They are mutually exclusive. We must not squander time and opportunities on the absurd culture wars and conspiracy theories Isaiah and Paul explicitly instructed us to avoid [Isaiah 8:12, 2 Tim 2:16]. We must steward our numbered days to obey Jesus and behave like Jesus, in word and deed, “filling up what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ.”[Col 1:24] If you want to affect redemptive change in your nation, William Wilberforce is a magnificent example of a man who leveraged politics to serve Jesus in a faithful manner. If you want control, power, and authority you can wield over your neighbors in religious superiority, better to swap #ChristIsKing for #AllahuAhkbar. - Stephanie Quick, Culture Wars and the Way of the Cruciform

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