Monday, October 21, 2002

i guess i better start writing better stuff i'f i'm gonna be a real blog writer. today i went to my old high school to see about subsitute teaching jobs. it was a really weird experince. as i pulled up i got a nervous feeling in my stomach like when your really late for a class or when you did something wrong to someone and now your gonna talk to them for the first time. Anyways the first thing that took me back was the smell of the heat; those big high schools run some massive blower system and it has a distinctive smell. one whiff of that and i'm back to p.e. and study hall. everything was suprisingly unchanged really, the same stupid banners down the hall, the same type of kids wandering the halls, and the same disgruntled secretaries out for blood. high school was so is infinitely better. mmm... this isn't very creative writing, its tougher to write on a blog compared to a journal because other people read them; you end up protecting yourself more than you would with a journal and it therefore isn't really as personal, you try to make yourself out to be something your not. something better, smarter, cooler...

today's recommended mp3 - The Tragically Hip - Ahead by a Century.

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