Wednesday, October 23, 2002

the worst thing that can happen to you on a skateboard is not what you think. sometimes the board flips up and hits you shin, that hurts like crazy but its not all that bad. other times like when you try a nose manual you can fall face first and scrape the skin of your palms. thats bad but not the worst. the worst thing is when through some strange series of events, you come down off a jump or a curve or whatever and you end up somehow with one foot on the deck and one on the pavement. now you kinda hafta visualize at this point. the skateboard keeps going - so one of your legs (regardless of its angle or position) goes with it. the other leg stays firmly on concrete. and there - is the painful moment. that's the time when you wish you were somewhere else and sometimes you are... the inside leg muscles (groin, i think?) scream in hellish agony through both legs and throb for a long time afterwards. days or weeks later they complain bitterly of the horrible injustice they suffered like old people getting bad service at Denny's. and that, is the worst thing that can happen to you on a skateboard.

today's recommended mp3 - unwed sailor - once in a blue moon

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