Wednesday, October 30, 2002

there's an emotional curve when you have to take trains everyday. (really almost all public transportation). if your like me and your used to taking your car everyday, your used to the complete control. you are the one driving; if your late or early you can speed up or slow down. you could take an alternate route or stop off somewhere to get a coffee. but when you start taking trains, you immeadiately give up your control. sometimes you don't even get to choose where you sit. you give up everything to the public transportation system. at first this is pretty overwhelming. when your on a train and need to make a connection or whatever and the train decides to stop in the middle of nowhere; you kinda freak out. or at least i tend to do... it becomes so frustrating because there's nothing you can do. you can't will the train to go faster, you can't rush up to the driver and step on the gas or whatever he uses to make the big thing go. some people complain but that doesn't improve your situation either. and so you just sit. but here's the funny part; after a while you start to like it. not right of way of course, no it takes a few months to teach you that your powerless. but once it happens its very freeing. your not in charge. its not your fault that things aren't going well. just relax. enjoy a few minutes to yourself. sometimes when you give up power you get peace.

today's recommended mp3 - jets to brazil - sea anemone

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